
Come Quickly

November 14, 2010 • Pastor Star R. Scott

We want to go a little bit different direction this morning. We've been dealing with a lot of practical and specific things in trying to make sure that we're faithful to the call of God on us, to raise up a godly seed, to perpetuate the gospel to our generation for a number of reasons. One, of course, is to fulfill the commandment of the Lord to go into all the world and to preach the gospel, to make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Lord Jesus. It's very important that we, in all of our desire for practical application, don't lose sight of what it's all about. Jesus is coming. Many of the different cares and battles that we're involved in, the topic that we've been dealing with a lot lately, you know, seeing that families are being divided by the gospel as Jesus taught in Matthew 10. We can get very distraught and discouraged; it's very difficult. Jesus is coming back. Don't lose sight of that blessed hope and what this war is all about. Don't get distracted in these things that you have no control over. What you can control is your heart in readiness and preparation for Jesus' soon coming. It is sooner than when we first believed. That's an exciting thing. In fact, we'll take a couple of minutes and talk about some of this this morning. I just thought that in light of where we have been, just to realize that it's very likely not going to be that much longer, not that much longer. It's sooner than when we believed; it's imminent as the Word of God teaches, and we just want to prepare our hearts in that.

Let's go ahead this morning and turn over to John, Chapter 14, for just a moment. There's great comfort there. Hopefully, nobody will die during this message, because we usually use this at funerals. But it's more than a funeral verse. This is the promise of the Lord Jesus to His bride, to His children. We need to be aware of that. He says in Chapter 14, verse 1, "Let not your heart be troubled."...