
Where's the Hope?, Part 2

June 18, 2000 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen! Let's turn over to Titus. We're going to continue to talk about preparation in our lives for the return of the Lord; and that is a message that is really represented here in the Ministry no matter what topic we're teaching on. It's something that you'll see if you go back and listen to tapes or go over your notes. Somewhere in every teaching¾ it doesn't matter if we're teaching on the family, if we're teaching on evangelism, healing or whatever¾ we seem to always, somewhere, realize that everything is in preparation for this one great event: the Lord's coming for His Church and the hope that we have in this preparation, that when He appears and we see Him, we'll be like Him, praise God. Isn't that your desire this morning?

Yet we saw there's the great danger, so much in this world, that is drawing on us, trying to distract us from that momentary preparation that we have to guard against our hearts, because the Scripture says if the times aren't shortened, even the very elect wouldn't be able to stand. So the bad news for us this morning is this: if you were finding some things tough, it's going to get worse. It's going to intensify. The enemy's deceits, the powers of darkness and their delusion and seductions, are going to get worse because the Bible says that in the last days iniquity is going to abound and the love of many is going to wax cold. Now, think about that statement for just a second. It's not talking about people who are already God haters. It doesn't mean the world is necessarily going to love Him less than they do today, because they already hate him. The love of many¾ those who love Him today are going to experience a waxing cold. Now it doesn't just take coldness. We understand that lukewarmness will cause us to be spewed from His mouth. Amen? So we have to ask ourselves a question: How much HOT is being added to my life?...