
Pursuit of Grace

October 15, 2000 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Good to be in His presence. Amen? We're excited about what God's doing in our midst, and the preparation of each of our lives. We're tonight going to have a good time of fellowship. Ronnie and Richard are putting together some video for us of the ministry in Africa, and it's going to really be a blessing. It's a lot of things that we've asked Ron to do. It's not only to share just their daily living but we're going to be sharing with you what some of the long term vision is, and what we're believing God for. We're just so thankful for everybody's participation.

Let's turn to I Peter. We want to pick up where we were in some of our other study on humility, and we're going to segue into another teaching that we want to call "The Pursuit of Grace." The main ingredient to the pursuit of grace, or that that is going to cause us to be able to apprehend the fullness that the Lord has for us is this spirit of humility that we've been talking about. In I Peter 5 - Ronnie was asking this morning a little bit about my voice, and I said, "it will be okay." I said, "we'll just teach and the teaching will end when it does." So we'll just see what ends first. In I Peter 5:5, we want to take a look at where we left off on Wednesday. "Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble." We see that he speaks towards the younger to submit themselves unto the elders. All of us are to be teachable. All of us are to be students, followers of those who through faith and patience are inheriting the promises of God...