
“You Have...Begun To Reign”

Lecture 4

June 3, 2021 • Pastor Jonathan Miller • Revelation 6:1—11:18

The time of Tribulation is upon us. The seals are ready to be broken. The seals of the scroll take place one after the other and will cover the entire tribulation period. The opening of the seventh seal unveils more intense judgments, prior to which the silence in heaven is a reminder that in judgment the Lamb has not forgotten mercy. (Hab. 3:2) Following the seventh seal, the seven angels holding seven trumpets are prepared to sound their trumpets from heaven toward earth. These judgments are greater in intensity than the seven seals and will be released in the last half of the 70th week. The two witnesses, whose ministry in Jerusalem will wreak havoc upon the earth, will be martyred before they are resurrected and ascend to heaven. These witnesses are one more reminder that the Lamb has not forgotten mercy in the midst of judgement. This gospel will be preached to every creature.

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"Thy Kingdom Come"

July 2, 2021 • Pastor Jonathan Miller • Revelation 19:10—22:21

Following a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity, where the Lamb rules from the throne of David, Satan will be loosed and lead a revolt with unredeemed humanity from the four corners of the earth. Satan will be defeated and thrown into the lake of fire. The second resurrection occurs for all, small and great. They will appear before the Great White Throne to be judged guilty for their names being absent from the Book of Life. A New Heaven and New Earth replace the corrupted earth that was passing away. These great events whet our appetite for His soon return. He who makes all things new says, “‘Surely I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, LordJesus!” (Rev. 22:20)

"I Have Set My King"

June 25, 2021 • Pastor Jonathan Miller • Revelation 17:1—19:10

We will trace the origins of the religious and the political system of man symbolized in the Great Whore and the Great City of Babylon. These two great symbols will receive the fullness of God’s wrath through the bowl judgments. This is the moment for which all the redeemed have been looking forward to: the return of the King. This is no ordinary king, but the King of kings, bearing the name above every name. Awaiting His arrival are all the Gentile nations gathered at Armageddon for the last battle prior to the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom. Satan will be bound, the Gentile nations judged, and the kingdom will be established. The tribulation saints and the Old Testament saints will be resurrected and will join the Lamb and the Bride of Christ at the Marriage Supper.

"It Is Done"

June 17, 2021 • Pastor Jonathan Miller • Revelation 14:6—16:21

We open with the third interval, as three angels are sent out to speak to every one who dwells upon the face of the earth. The angels will announce salvation and condemnation. The eternal gospel is declared to all upon the earth, yet it is rejected. This seals the fate of this upon the earth who will experience the judgement of the seals and the judgment of the Day of Lord at the Battle of Armageddon. The seven bowls are filled with the wrath of the Lamb. These are poured out in the final months of the Great Tribulation, just prior to the Return of the King. With all of these bowls the wrath of God is complete. Heaven cries “It is done!” following the seventh bowl indicating the fullness of God’s wrath has been sent upon the earth to judge the unbelievers. Now, the King will return and we shift our focus to what follows after in the Millenium and the Eternal State.