
Spiritually Minded, Part 2

April 6, 2008 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Preach the gospel in all of our world. It starts in Jerusalem. We sometimes over-glamorize foreign missions. Our mission field is Sterling. Amen? Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the Earth; Africa's no more important than Sterling, India's no more important than Sterling; and yet we have a call to also be able to look up and see the fields that are white, and so we want to be wise. There are many fields that are out there; in Africa, right now, is where Father has us. Still, people responding from the ministry that we've had in India that are wanting us to come and minister to them; we're just prayerful always to see what Father would have us to do. Thank God for your faithfulness, and as much as your faithfulness, your faith. We need to give in faith. I don't mean just faith to give, but faith that after we've given; God is going to confirm His word that goes forth with signs following. Amen?

If you guys will come, we'll go ahead and allow you to put those in so we can get an idea of where we are there. As the men are coming--and we're going to pass the offering plates through again--let's turn back to in our Bibles where we were this morning; we were looking in 1 Timothy, Chapter 2. We were talking about allowing the Word of God to manifest itself in our lives so that we could begin to deal with those fleshly lusts that are warring against our soul. We saw very clearly that there was a true spiritual battle taking place. He says you need to abstain from those fleshly lusts. We're very clear to what the works of the flesh are, as we're reading Galatians; and the admonition, then, of the wise old apostle here is: if you're going to be successful give no place to the devil, abstain from these things that at one time held you in bondage. These things that enticed you, seduced you, all that the world has: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life begin to live a life of abstinence. In other words, let your first response to those things that used to be treasures to you, common to you, things that comforted you, let your first response be what? "No!"...