
Sanctified Living

July 29, 2007 • Pastor Star R. Scott

[I am] looking forward to tonight. We have our video--a lot of footage, which [Pastor] Tony brought with him--of things that are, actually, new, things you haven't seen, [which will] help us get a better understanding of all the facets of ministry going on in Africa. [It will be] an exciting time; [Pastor] Tony will be sharing, and bringing some updates; then, they have to head back really soon. They are going to go up to see his mother next week, to get a little more time of refreshing, and then start getting ready to go back. I always tell him, if we are out in a mall, or eating in a restaurant, or something, I say, "Just like Kakamega." So, he is heading back to reality. This is Fantasy Land. He will be heading back to reality and we are going to be holding him up in prayer, and just continuing to send them off in the intercession that is so necessary to sustain them, there, in the battle that is ongoing. I think you will hear from him, tonight, that, each time they return home, he admonishes everyone there to pray for us; because, the war that rages here, in the midst of all our abundance, is actually more than natural man can resist. It is going to be by the Spirit that we stand; it is going to be by grace and faith that we stand, and then, are able to continue to lift up their hands. It is a common war, just on different fronts that we battle.

Because we are going to be breaking [the order of teaching] up over the next couple of weeks, with Tony sharing on Africa, I want to get to the third aspect of [this teaching] we were getting into. We spoke on redemption, and the Lord spoke to us, and caused our hearts to rejoice in the great gift of God: "That while we were yet sinners [He loved us, and He] died for us" (Romans 5:8) praise God; we are redeemed by His blood. We saw that we were no longer our own because of that redemption; we have been bought with a price, and [are responsible] then to glorify God in our bodies (1 Corinthians 1:20). We then talked about regeneration, and the choice we each have. Redemption was universal: it was for all men...