
Grasping God's Grace

July 11, 2001 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Hallelujah! Amen! Well, it's good to see that we have some of our junior-highers with us for the first time tonight. Can you say, "Praise God!" for that? We're so thankful for what God is doing among our young people. Isn't it a blessing as a young person tonight was used in an utterance in our midst? It wasn't one of the seventh graders, so you guys get with it now. You've been in here for an hour. And we thank God for what's taken place. I was up here for prayer Monday. I guess it was. I don't remember which day it was. And a number of the young people were in here around six o'clock or whatever it was, preparing to go out to share the Word and hit the streets with the gospel. I saw a number of our other young people carrying around different watering cans and watering the flowers and doing a number of things and it's exciting to see the true body ministry, Amen? - All ages and just those that are ministering in every gift as unto the Lord. It's exciting, praise God. So let's just continue to believe the Lord to do even more in our midst and to add, as it's His desire.

There are a number of exciting things that are happening. I'll share with you a couple of other reports from Africa. Good report that we can share with you. Some of you might remember. I can't remember which trip it was. Well, it was one of the trips and we were in Rome and some of you that were traveling with us remember. We were looking all over and finally found an electronics store to get a power adapter for Janet's nebulizer. She had a severe bout with asthma for a number of those years and we used to have to carry the nebulizer and then finally they made the portable ones and all of these different things-and the medications they had her on, Theophylline and some of these different areas. Well, she was at the pulmonologist the other day, or whatever they are, and the fellow told her, "I don't know what's happened, but..." This was about six months ago, he said, "There's something taking place." And she went back again this week and after six months of different things, and he said, "If I hadn't been the one treating you," he said, "I would have never have any indication that you've ever had asthma." We just thank God for that healing...