
Look Up!, Part 3

July 18, 2004 • Pastor Star R. Scott

Let's go ahead and turn back to Luke; chapter 12, we'll pick up where we were. It's just a good time of establishing in our hearts and minds the hour that we're in, the need to discipline our hearts and our minds to look up. Our redemption is drawing nigh, praise God! A time, a generation really, as we were talking this morning, where the church really doesn't have anything to say about the coming of the Lord. So where, other than here, are we getting that encouragement? Where, other than here this small group, this community of believers, are we being prompted to discipline ourselves to be free from the bondage, the cares of this world, the worldliness that is spoken of by the Lord when He refers to those that are earth-dwellers, those who are imbibing the spirit of the world? That judgment in Luke that says it is going to come upon all those who dwell upon the face of the whole earth. There are only two kingdoms that we were talking about this morning, and you are going to be a part of one of them. One is the enemy of God whose whole reason for being is to oppose the kingdom of God. Their wisdom lies against the knowledge of God, their treasures are instead of the presence of God; and outside of seeking the kingdom first, outside of preparing our hearts for the coming of the Lord and having eternal treasures, that is what we are going to be partaking of. There is no alternative, there is no middle ground. As true Christians we are absolutists. There is no existential approach in any of our reasoning; truth is not subjective to us. So, here we are a people that are walking in absolute truth and proclaiming absolute light, and yet, as our thinking in our minds is tainted and vexed, as we get distracted with temporal cares--That is what we were talking about.

So let's look back in this twelfth chapter of Luke. We were talking about the thirty-fourth verse: "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. [We need to constantly be looking up. Now, we're not talking about literally, because its dangerous enough with people on cell phones (isn't it?) without us believers driving around just looking up, putting back our sun roofs--and as we referred to them back in the '70's, the "Rapture Roof"--in your cars. The "looking up" is a heart attitude. As little children--We taught the kids, as I've shared with you before, that Jesus was coming in the clouds, and as little kids they were always looking at the clouds. It's not just a literal gathering; it's a spiritual preparation that we need to be emphasizing. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be.] Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning;" That speaks of action, the girding of the loins. We all know what that is talking about...

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