When God’s people work in humility and unity, there is nothing impossible to them. Sadly, today, most Christians don’t consider the authority God invested in the church to be binding upon them. Therefore, the church as a whole is mocked by the world and anemic in its mission. But even a small committed church that is in unity and proper order under the Holy Spirit can do wonders to further the Kingdom of God.
The greatest protection against deception is subordination to the order of God: those whom He has placed over you. Those with the Spirit of God are far more able to judge all matters than those trained in the laws of the land. If we reject the judgment of the elders, then we have rejected the wisdom of God; then you are a hearer of the Word, and not a doer of the Word.
The apostate church is seeking to be admired by and accepted by the world. But we are to bring conviction on those to whom we bring the gospel, knowing that a remnant will be saved. The best way to keep from becoming deceived as the deception grows is to remain in proper order under the Chief Shepherd, acknowledging and honoring the undershepherds He has put over us.
The ministry gifts are still necessary in the church. Pastor is another word for shepherd, and we are called God’s sheep. The pastor is ordained and anointed to lead the flock to “good pasture” and to protect it from wolves on the Internet and wayward sheep that lead the flock astray. We need to trust God in the placing of our pastor over us, and to recognize his authority under the Chief Shepherd.
No one likes to be around a complainer, but a thankful person is a joy. There is much that might warrant complaints, but when we consider the great gift we have been given of a new heart and the promise of eternal life in the presence of the holy God, how can we do other than lift our hands and thank God with singing and shouting?
If a profession of faith doesn’t follow with a desire for righteousness, then it’s only mental ascent. If you’re going to follow Jesus, you need to be all in. If you’re going to hold anything back, don’t bother following Jesus. Being a disciple of Jesus is a strenuous effort and only a few shall be saved. Continue in His Word and do not dilute this truth.
The Church is referred to as the household of God, the church of the living God, and the pillar of truth. Our conduct is the witness behind our words, and both are necessary as we stand for the truth of who Jesus is. We confess Jesus is God manifested as flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, proclaimed to the nations, and received up into glory.
God has given us the gifts of the Spirit so that we can edify and exhort each other We are told to covet the best gifts, so we should be ready to obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit at any time. Likewise, we should edify each other with rebuke and exhortation. A Christian seeks the truth, so he should welcome it in whatever form or whatever “package” it is delivered.
Unity is critical to a sound church. But unity must be through sound doctrine, not through compromise. When you become double-minded, you become a hypocrite who pretends to be devoted to Christ and the church, but are secretly living for yourself. The façade you show will fool men, but God takes note. Devote yourself to a life of sacrifice and faithfulness, and you will hear, “Well done,” from your Lord.
Church eldership is a gift given by God. The office of apostleship is still relevant today as the authority, but the sinfulness of man doesn’t want authority over the self, thus doesn’t promote church unity, but the preeminence of man. The true Church has one Lord, one faith and one God who is above all. Let us draw on the grace that has been given to each of us, to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, as we fulfill our place in the Body.
We need the gifts of the Spirit in operation among us in order to be victorious in these Last Days. And we need the ministry gifts to lead us into maturity so that the Holy Spirit will not be grieved, but will move in our midst. Let us continue to rely on God’s grace to meet His standard, which is perfection.
The twenty-first-century church puts tradition and “reason” above the Scriptures. But God has placed us here to serve Him, not to pick and choose what pleases us. We must guard against the same lie that Satan told Eve, that God is holding out on us to keep us down. Rather, we must endeavor to maintain the unity that we have in the Holy Spirit.
The Christian is not independent; though he is an individual, his identity is in Christ. As each stone is unique, but each is fit into the wall to form a unified edifice, so each of us is fitted into the church to edify the whole. When we are content in where God has placed us, we will bring the greatest glory to Him, and find our greatest joy in service according to His will.
There is only one church. Most churches today are anemic and heretical. Modern ideas of psychology and ecumenism are not acceptable to God. Those who embrace these things are deceived and heretical. “By their fruits, ye shall know them.” Unless we take the authority God has given us, we will remain ineffectual in executing His will on the earth. “God is not mocked.”