Hard Times for a Harlot
August 3, 2022 • Scott Richards • Revelation 17:7–18, Proverbs 2:1–7, 2 Corinthians 11:13–15, Psalm 2:1–5
In a very heavy section of scripture, we are shown a symbolic representation of the Antichrist's kingdom. In direct contrast with how the Bride of Christ will be described in Revelation 19, it's described as a prostitute who will appeal to everyone, but ultimately be cast aside when her usefulness has reached its end. That's a system we can all buy into if our eyes aren't on who Jesus truly is.
1. Mystery Babylon describes this world's system, whereas the Bride of Christ contrasts herself through Heaven's.
2. There are things we don't understand about this passage, but enough to form practical conclusions.
3. The purpose of Mystery Babylon will be to unite the world against Jesus until the 2nd half of the Tribulation.