
Running Unencumbered

Hebrews 12:1

July 21, 2021 • Peter Martin, Beau Ouellette

In light of everyone mentioned in chapter 11, the author of Hebrews concludes his point by applying it to those reading it. Like those before them trusted God even when it cost them something, there would only be victory over this sin in their lives if they found joy in the goal set before them. It wasn't limited to avoiding external sins like lust and anger, but the insecurities and fear that motivated those symptoms. An abundant Christian life is someone who sees fellowship with Jesus as so worthy a goal to pursue that they'd cast off anything that would impede them from that prize.

1. The Author of Hebrews describes the witness of the Old Testament Saints the same way the presence of God was described. That was their goal and should be ours as well.

2. The struggle against sin isn't limited to the outward expressions of it, but anything that weighs us down from enjoying that relationship even more.

3. Fear of punishment never motivates a successful Christian life. Jesus is our joyful goal to pursue. The only way to make that race more joyful is to get rid of anything that weighs us down from reaching that destination.

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