
The Ultimate Who-Dun-It

The Historical Evidence of the Resurrection - Luke 23:50-24:12

July 31, 2022 • Scott Richards • 1 Corinthians 15:16–19, Titus 2:11–13, John 14:19, Luke 23:50—24:12

The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is the gospel itself. It is what gives us reason to live the Christian life as well as the only thing we have to share with people who reject Jesus' claim to be God. If we take the time to understand the facts on the table, we will be able to answer every challenge to our faith. This includes death itself.
1. The Resurrection of Jesus is a historical fact that passes every objective examination of the facts.
2. The Resurrection of Jesus is a historical fact we need to understand.
3. The Resurrection of Jesus is a historical fact we need to be prepared to defend.

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