
Showdown in Gethsemane

Jesus' Prayer in the Garden - Luke 22:39-44

May 15, 2022 • Scott Richards • 1 Peter 5:7, Luke 22:39–44, Mark 14:32–41, Romans 8:15

Jesus' prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane demonstrates for us what real prayer looks like. He spoke to His Father. He genuinely expressed how He was feeling about what He was talking about. And most importantly, He understood the purpose wasn't to get what He wanted, but to align what He wanted with the heart of His Father.

1. Prayer isn't about giving God information, but pursuing intimacy with Him.
2. Prayer isn't about getting anything from God apart from His heart towards our circumstances.
3. Prayer isn't talking at God with a series of sermon quotes and clichés. It's talking to God. Plain and Simple.

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