Total Solar Eclipse

Parking Pass

April 8, 2024
9:00am - 5:00pm
157 spots remaining

PARKING WAIVER - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY All donations will benefit Calvary's Vacation Bible School 2024 This is good for 1 vehicle parking spot at Calvary on April 8th 2024 (9am-5pm) for viewing the total solar eclipse. Once you arrive you will be checked in and directed where to park (NO RE-ENTRY UPON EXIT).

Parking is open at 9AM

Please print your confirmation and bring it on the day of the event (electronic copies will NOT be accepted). The reservation must be under the name of the person driving the vehicle (driver's license and name on the reservation must match). Limit of 1 parking spot per person.

PARKING: Pre-paid parking guarantees you a space to view the eclipse within the specified parking areas.

CANCELLATION & REFUNDS: All donations are final and non-transferable. absolutely no refunds will be given. Calvary retains the privilege of canceling this scheduled event due to environmental issues, weather conditions, and unforeseen emergencies or where it fails to generate a minimum number of reservations. If Calvary cancels, you will receive a full refund.

PARKING SPACE: Parking spots are for vehicles only. Drive aisles must remain clear at all times. There will be areas designated for congregating and viewing the event. No items (coolers, tents, tables,chairs, etc.) of any kind may be placed on the ground behind, in front of, or around parked vehicles. Motorcycles require their own parking spaces. RVs, trailers, Semi-Trucks, Busses & oversized vehicles (any vehicle longer than 19 feet) are prohibited. No sound systems, or loud music from vehicles allowed.

ACCESSIBILITY: You must have state-issued disabilities plate or placard to park in an accessible parking space. (limited number available).Those who purchase handicapped parking spaces and do not have valid lates / tags will be turned away at the entrance. violators will be subject to citation and towed at the owner's expense.

GUEST: Reservation holders are guests of Calvary and Calvary may refuse admission to, or eject, any ticket holder who is deemed to be disorderly or who fails to comply with these terms or any security measure. Guests are legally responsible for the damage the cause. Ticket holder assumes all risks, including the risk of lost, stolen, or damaged property or personal injury.

FOOD & DRINK: Concession stand will be available (cash only) while supplies last. porta-potties will be available as well. Outside food is allowed. Trash bins will be located at the property and you are responsible for cleaning up after yourself. (GLASS BOTTLES PROHIBITED) **ABSOLUTELY NO ALCOHOL, TOBACCO PRODUCTS (VAPING INCLUDED), OR RECREATIONAL DRUGS ALLOWED ON THE PROPERTY OF CALVARY TEMPLE CHURCH. ANY AND ALL VIOLATORS WILL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM THE PROPERTY WITH NO REFUNDS GIVEN.**

All guests & vehicles must exit the church property by 5pm CST on April 8th 2024

**Registration closes at 12pm on April 7th**