
Day 132 - Read Revelation 18-20

April 14, 2024 • Revelation 18—20

The sins of Babylon were great, and its punishment was great. The kings and lovers of Babylon mourned its ruin. God avenged the blood of His servants. It was time for the Lord to be joined with His bride. He arrived on a white horse wearing a robe that bore the words, “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.” The armies of the earth assembled to make war against Him. The beast and the false prophet who led men to receive the mark of the beast were thrown into the lake of fire. Satan was bound. Those who died in Christ and those who did not worship the beast reigned with Christ for a thousand years. Satan was cast into the lake of fire. God judged the dead and threw all whose names were not in the book of life in the lake of fire (second death).