
Day 155 - Read 2 Samuel 19-20

September 25, 2024 • 2 Samuel 19—20

Joab confronted David for mourning over Absalom instead of celebrating the victory over those who sought to kill David. The people of Israel rallied behind David, and he called for the unity of Israel. David forgave his enemies. A man named Sheba led a rebellion against David. Amasa was sent to call the men of Judah together, but he delayed beyond the time appointed by David. Joab killed Amasa. Joab pursued Sheba to Abel of Beth-maacah. Joab threatened to tear the walls of the city down, but a woman reasoned with him to spare the city in return for the head of Amasa. The head of Amasa was thrown to Joab, and Joab returned to the king in Jerusalem.