
Day 154 - Read 2 Samuel 17-18

September 24, 2024 • 2 Samuel 17—18

Ahithophel told Absalom to allow him to choose twelve thousand men to pursue and kill David. Hushai refuted Ahithophel’s counsel and gave Absalom a plan to conquer David, then Hushai sent word to David of the impending attack. David prepared his army under the leadership of Joab, Abishai, and Ittai. He told them to deal gently with Absalom. Absalom was caught in the limbs of a tree while fleeing a battle. Joab took three javelins and thrust them into the heart of Absalom. Ten armor-bearers of Joab struck Absalom and he died. Absalom had no son to keep his name, so he had a pillar as a monument to his name. David wept over the death of Absalom.