
Day 27 - Read Genesis 46-47

May 20, 2024 • Genesis 46—47

Jacob (Israel) left Canaan with all his household and journeyed to Egypt. He offered sacrifices to God in Beersheba. God spoke to Jacob in a dream and reminded him of the promise He made to Jacob. God told Jacob that He would bring his people back to the land He promised. Pharaoh told Joseph to offer his family the best land in Goshen to tend their flocks. Jacob gave Pharaoh a blessing. The people of Egypt and Canaan gave all their money, their livestock, and their land for food during the famine. They eventually offered themselves in servitude to Pharaoh for food. The priests were the only exception because they were provided a portion of food from Pharaoh. Jacob made Joseph promise to bury him outside of Egypt with his fathers.

Day 40 - Read Exodus 19-20

June 2, 2024 • Exodus 19—20

Israel camped in the desert of Sinai in front of the mountain. Moses went up the mountain and God gave him a covenant for Israel. God showed His power on the mountain and provided a sign to the people that Moses was a man of God. The people respected God from a distance because anyone who did not show respect for God’s presence would be killed. God gave commandments to Moses for the people to obey. God told Moses to build an altar to provide sacrifices and burnt offerings. He gave Moses instructions for preparing and for approaching the altar.

Day 39 - Read Exodus 17-18

June 1, 2024 • Exodus 17—18

God led Israel from place to place. They were thirsty and became angry with Moses. They asked why he led them out of Egypt to die of thirst. Moses sought God and was told to strike a rock, and water was provided to Israel. The Amalekites brought war on Israel. Moses, Aaron and Hur went to a hilltop while Joshua led Israel against the Amalekites. Aaron and Hur held Moses’ hands up while Israel conquered the Amalekites. Moses built an altar to the Lord. Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, visited Moses and heard all God had done. He worshipped and made sacrifices to God. Moses was judge for all Israel. Jethro advised him to choose capable men to assist him in these duties. Moses followed Jethro’s advice.

Day 38 - Read Exodus 15-16

May 31, 2024 • Exodus 15—16

The people of Israel sang, celebrating the strength of God and His acts of mercy in bringing them out of bondage and God’s destruction of Pharaoh’s army. They praised God for all they witnessed. The people of Israel then doubted God’s provisions again, but God provided water once again. God made a covenant with Israel to never put them under the plagues with which He plagued Egypt. The people of Israel questioned Moses and Aaron because of fear. God continued to provide food (manna) for Israel, giving two days’ worth of food on the sixth day of the week to allow rest on the Sabbath.