
Seeing Christ in the Old Testament: The Joy of the Lord

Nehemiah 8

July 15, 2018 • Murray Lee

Nehemiah 8 is a story about the importance of God’s Word. Nehemiah, a Jewish exile in Babylon and cup bearer to the King of Babylon, learns of Jerusalem’s ruinous condition. After seeking God in prayer for 5 months, Nehemiah asks the king of Babylon to allow him to return and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He is given permission and so begins the rebuilding process. The king also allows the people of Israel having been in captivity for 70 years to return to Jerusalem. The wall is completed and chapter 8 tells of the far more important work of Nehemiah: the spiritual renewal of God’s people. The theme of chapter 8 is clear: since the Bible tells us of God’s relentless pursuit of his people, we can rejoice!