
The Character of a Church Officer: The Elder

October 1, 2023 • Rev. Claude McRoberts • Titus 1:6–9, 1 Timothy 3:2–7

I. The Apostle Paul: A Model of Elder Character

A. Consistency

B. Humility

C. Ministry with Tears

D. Faithful

E. Self-Sacrificing

II. The Biblical Elder: A Model of Male Leadership

A. Social Qualifications

1. Above Reproach

2. Of good reputation with outsiders

B. Moral Qualifications

1. The husband of but one wife 

2. Temperate

C. Mental Qualifications

1. Prudent

2. Respectable

3. Able to Teach

D. Personality Qualifications

1. Not pugnacious, but gentle

2. Hospitable

3. Not covetousness; Not a lover of money

E. Domestic Qualifications

1. He must manage his own household well

2. His children should show proper respect; obey

F. Maturity Qualifications: Not a New Convert

III. The Cahaba Park Church Elder: A Model of Spiritual Oversight