

Removing Your Inner Pharisee

When Graceless Religion Gets In The Way

November 6, 2022 • Trent Carpenter

“Why would I go to the church?...I already feel bad enough about myself!” Sadly, that's the view most people have towards the church in the Bible Belt. At C3, we like to say that we love you just the way you are but care too much about you to let you stay there. This idea comes from Jesus. He loves us too much to let us keep living the way we have been, but He knows that we can’t “get better”. We can only “start over”. Join us this Sunday to find the one thing that answers some of life’s biggest problems.

When Christians Get In The Way

October 30, 2022 • Aaron Fields

Have you ever met someone who just thinks they are the most important person in the room? Annoying, isn't it? But what if we are more wrapped up with our own titles than we think? Join us for week 4 of “Pharisectomy” as we continue to dissect what it means to be a true Christ follower.

When Hypocrisy Gets In The Way

October 23, 2022 • Tony Barker

It’s easy for us to put on a mask in public and act a certain way, but in privacy we are a completely different person. The Bible tells us this is called hypocrisy and Jesus has zero tolerance for it. Join us this week as we find out the freedom and forgiveness that comes with taking off the mask.

When Insiders Get In The Way

October 16, 2022 • Trent Carpenter

One of the most famous Angry Jesus moments in the Bible is when He’s flipping tables and chasing people with a whip. But, why did He do that? Jesus saw insiders that didn’t care or want outsiders to have access to God and it ticked Him off. But before we all agree, what if we have become or start acting like the insiders ourselves? He came to give us an all-access pass to a relationship with our heavenly Father; the relationship we’ve been created for. He’ll throw tables or animals or people out of the way to give us this all-access pass. He even gave up his own life for it. Join us this Sunday to see what happens when insiders and being good gets in the way.

When Rules Get In The Way

October 9, 2022 • Aaron Fields

Look: Rules are a good thing. They help us keep order. They allow us to know clearly what expectations we are supposed to meet. But, what if sometimes we can be so hung up on the rules that we fail to remember the reason they are even there? Join us as we kick off a new series at C3, “Pharisectomy” to see what may happen when rules get in the way.

This Week's Discussion Guide

October 8, 2022

Pharisectomy Starts Next Week

October 2, 2022

“Are you ticked off at religion? So was Jesus. Are you sick of churchgoing finger- pointers? So was Jesus. Are you weary of people who call themselves God-fearers but behave like people-haters? So was Jesus. I think we all know when religion goes wrong, but what if we may be part of the problem?