
The Code

Why We Do What We Do

Find Your Purpose Here

April 2, 2023 • Trent Carpenter

Join us as we explore the story of Zacchaeus and learn about finding purpose. A life without purpose is boring, and a life with the wrong purpose is wasted. Let Zacchaeus' encounter with Jesus inspire you to find your purpose. Come discover how devoting yourself to more than just yourself can lead to a more meaningful life. See you this week at 9:30 or 11 am, or join us live online. #FindYourPurpose #LiveWithPurpose #Zacchaeus #MeaningfulLife

We are on Mission

March 26, 2023 • Aaron Fields

Do you ever wonder if your life has a greater purpose? Are you searching for something more? Join us for week 6 of our series, "The Code," as we check out the parable of the sower and discover how we can live a life that produces something that will last. Jesus invites us to join His mission, where we change one life at a time and, in turn, change the world, just like He did. Learn more about the details of the mission He’s given you and some key things that will always get in the way of you finding or fulfilling your purpose.   Don’t miss this week at 9:30 or 11 am or here live online. #FindYourPurpose #LiveLikeJesus #TheSower #TheCode #WeAreOnMission 

We are Servants...

March 19, 2023 • Matt McClellan

Week 5 of The Code is here! This week's code is We are Servants. Join us this Sunday as we continue to unlock the code to living a life of purpose and meaning by learning to be true servants and live like Jesus. Let's learn to lift up others, by willfully going to the back of the line because servants are always second. #FindYourPurpose #LiveLikeJesus #WeAreServants #BeSecond

We are Family...

March 12, 2023 • Trent Carpenter

Are you one of those people that’s constantly losing things? It’s one of the worst feelings in the world. But even worse is when you actually feel like something or someone is missing from your life. If you feel like there’s got to be more to life then you definitely do not want to miss week 4 of our series: The Code. We’ll discover through the parable of the prodigal son what matters most to God and in return should matter to us. https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/findyourpurpose?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=azxghrv1ioqvkckwr3cqxit8lfvgkqtczyg01wglzskpjvr3ir4wyl8jlwvwilsjdl4aovic_fg6_6urckf55fxghszighixtgzm1prev38gkz_zcbnmm6-vk3mtswft5lamv1pcbebzduzax4ebs4srcy1zadmfrt3unjxedyxgkvaz5rmvnibg5dqwxykxaoc&__tn__=*nk-r https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/livelikejesus?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=azxghrv1ioqvkckwr3cqxit8lfvgkqtczyg01wglzskpjvr3ir4wyl8jlwvwilsjdl4aovic_fg6_6urckf55fxghszighixtgzm1prev38gkz_zcbnmm6-vk3mtswft5lamv1pcbebzduzax4ebs4srcy1zadmfrt3unjxedyxgkvaz5rmvnibg5dqwxykxaoc&__tn__=*nk-r https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/theprodigal?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=azxghrv1ioqvkckwr3cqxit8lfvgkqtczyg01wglzskpjvr3ir4wyl8jlwvwilsjdl4aovic_fg6_6urckf55fxghszighixtgzm1prev38gkz_zcbnmm6-vk3mtswft5lamv1pcbebzduzax4ebs4srcy1zadmfrt3unjxedyxgkvaz5rmvnibg5dqwxykxaoc&__tn__=*nk-r https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/thecode?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=azxghrv1ioqvkckwr3cqxit8lfvgkqtczyg01wglzskpjvr3ir4wyl8jlwvwilsjdl4aovic_fg6_6urckf55fxghszighixtgzm1prev38gkz_zcbnmm6-vk3mtswft5lamv1pcbebzduzax4ebs4srcy1zadmfrt3unjxedyxgkvaz5rmvnibg5dqwxykxaoc&__tn__=*nk-r"

We take God really serious...

March 5, 2023 • Aaron Fields

Week 3 of The Code is here! This week's big idea is all about taking God seriously but never ourselves. The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector teaches us the importance of approaching God with humility and acknowledging our need for His grace and forgiveness. We don't have to take ourselves too seriously because it's not about us, it's about God! Join us this Sunday as we continue to unlock the code to living a life of purpose and meaning. Let's learn to live and love like Jesus and help others do the same. #FindYourPurpose #LiveLikeJesus #PhariseeOrTaxCollector #Humility #TheCode 

We want to be a great church FOR the Tri-State...

February 26, 2023 • Tony Barker

Our purpose is to help you find your purpose and each week of the code explores how one of Jesus’ parables leads to our purpose for His Kingdom.  The parable of the talents or three servants shows that everything we have comes from God, but it’s not our job to hoard it or keep it”   We have to focus on how we can maximize and multiply all that we have been given for Him and others.  That’s why we want to be a great church FOR the Tri-state…not IN it!  Don't miss week 2 of The Code this Sunday. #FindYourPurpose #LiveLikeJesus #ParableOfTheTalents #CommunityForOthers #TheCode  

We accept you wherever you are...

February 19, 2023 • Trent Carpenter

Have you ever struggled with trying to love others?  We are pretty sure you have since you’re human.  We all love the concept of Jesus loving us without any boundaries, but what about when He asks us to do the same with others?  That’s where we want to have some stipulations in place.   We all have our boundaries, but loving and living like Jesus  knows no bounds. Join us this Sunday to unlock the code to living a life of purpose and meaning! We are going to explore our church's operating system and discover how Jesus leads us towards a life filled with love and kindness. Loving others like He did,no matter where they come from or what they've been through. #FindYourPurpose #LiveLikeJesus #GoodSamaritan #TheCode"