
Epic Life

Really Live Life

Make Your Life Count

October 29, 2023 • Trent Carpenter

Ready to make your life truly count? If you struggle with feeling like you are aimlessly wondering through life or the polar opposite of going 100 mph every single day, then this week is for you! Let's learn together from the one person who truly lived an Epic Life on Earth.

The Struggle Is Real

October 22, 2023 • Trent Carpenter • Matthew 3:16–17, Matthew 4:1–12

Do you feel like life is a struggle? Maybe because it feels like it’s never enough or the expectations just seem too high. Whatever struggle you face, we want you to know the struggle is real, but you don’t have to always live that way. 🤔 Join us for Week 7 of our series Epic Life at C3 Church and discover how to break free from the struggle. 💪Here's the best part: "Ready to find more peace, joy, and freedom in your life? It all starts with choosing the right voice to listen to.

A Broken Megaphone

October 15, 2023 • Aaron Fields • John 4:1–42

Has life been difficult? Join us tomorrow at C3 for week 6 of Epic Life as we uncover "A Broken Megaphone." Witness how one person's life journey, marked by adversity, can teach us all something really incredible. What if your broken pieces are actually the exact thing needed to build an Epic Life? Discover how one person's incredible journey from adversity to empowerment can also help you to make a lasting impact in your world?"

One Small Spark

October 8, 2023 • Trent Carpenter • Genesis 12:2, Luke 10:30–42

Feel like your life is making a difference? Wondering how you can ignite change in the world? We think we may have some answers! Join us this Sunday at C3 Church for Week 5 of our series, Epic Life "How To Really Live Life" and discover how you can make a profound impact this week!

Listen Over Lunch

October 1, 2023 • Trent Carpenter

What if you could change your life in a profound way and didn't have to add one new thing to your schedule? Did you know that Jesus, the ultimate example, listened to people and shared meals with them? In this message, we'll show you a simple way of listening and eating with others can lead to an Epic Life. 🍽️👂 Let's learn how to truly love and connect with others in a simple way. Let's change the world together, one meal at a time!

Tools To Grow By

September 24, 2023 • Aaron Fields

Discover the secret to an epic life as we explore the rhythms of Jesus. He showed us that spending time with the Father is where it all begins. In Week 3, we're diving into the BLESS acronym, and we're starting with the "B" for Bible & Prayer. #https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/epiclifeseries?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=azx6ylmevzv2zdxtk6-txyqjexamrqmz03q83185vmxowgfst4kpzpc1uerwe1c_mb0kgjpkve-ctbo70ryxdb9xemqp-ejmnr7dfom-or5husgcoqcq5m6bsbtabrabxfl44wzycok03qu7zcziomduc-hkaqkoxyp4cjbn_mkvhzk4ffgvpizlaztwvkjjgao&__tn__=*nk-r https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/bless?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=azx6ylmevzv2zdxtk6-txyqjexamrqmz03q83185vmxowgfst4kpzpc1uerwe1c_mb0kgjpkve-ctbo70ryxdb9xemqp-ejmnr7dfom-or5husgcoqcq5m6bsbtabrabxfl44wzycok03qu7zcziomduc-hkaqkoxyp4cjbn_mkvhzk4ffgvpizlaztwvkjjgao&__tn__=*nk-r https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/rhythmsofjesus?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=azx6ylmevzv2zdxtk6-txyqjexamrqmz03q83185vmxowgfst4kpzpc1uerwe1c_mb0kgjpkve-ctbo70ryxdb9xemqp-ejmnr7dfom-or5husgcoqcq5m6bsbtabrabxfl44wzycok03qu7zcziomduc-hkaqkoxyp4cjbn_mkvhzk4ffgvpizlaztwvkjjgao&__tn__=*nk-r

The Road Principle

September 17, 2023 • Trent Carpenter • Proverbs 7:6–27

Have you ever found yourself saying, "Why didn't I see that coming?" We all have! This Sunday at C3 Church, we're diving into Week 2 of Epic Life: "The Road Principle." 🛣️✨ Just like GPS guides us on the road, Jesus offers us real life in following Him. This week, we're exploring the power of direction in our lives. This includes one life principle that you can never break, but it can break you. Let's avoid those "I should have seen this coming" moments together. 🤔🔍 Join us at 9:30 am or 11 am in person, or catch the live stream at 11 am. Even if you feel off right now, there's no better time to change direction. 🌄📜 https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/epiclifeseries https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/theroadprinciple https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/lifenavigation

Headbanz & ID Checks: Who Are You?

September 10, 2023 • Trent Carpenter • John 10:10, Luke 15:15–32

Have you ever wondered if there's more to life than what you're currently experiencing? You're not alone! Join us this Sunday at C3 Church as we launch our brand-new series: Epic Life "Really Live Life." 🌟✨ This series has been 3 years in the making, and it's time to embark on an epic journey together! This week, we'll dive deep into the quest for identity and the pursuit of a life better than we ever dreamed of. Inspired by Jesus' promise in John 10:10, we'll explore how to fill our days full of life. 🧭🙌 Don't miss out! Join us at 9:30 am or 11 am in person, or catch the live stream at 11 am. Let's step into our epic lives together! 🎉🌠 #EpicLifeSeries #ReallyLiveLife #IdentityQuest

Epic Life Launches September 10th

September 6, 2023

Do you ever wonder if there's more to life than just going through the motions? Have you felt the deep yearning for a life that's truly extraordinary, meaningful, and filled with purpose? Jesus promises us a life that is truly epic.  It's all too easy to get lost in the noise of daily routines and distractions, but what if Jesus actually meant what He said?   Imagine living every moment with purpose, passion, and unshakable joy. It's time to live life by design and not by default.  It’s time to really live life!