
Ohana | CrossKids Summer Party

CrossKids Summer Party

July 2, 2023 • Alisha Miller

Ohana means family in Hawaiian! During our Crosskids Summer Party, all of us along with the kiddos got to learn what God wants for their families and see how to be a part of God’s family!

More from James

Real Prayer

June 25, 2023 • Matt McClellan

Renovate your life with the power of faith! Join us for a nuts and bolts journey through the book of James as we uncover five essential tools for transforming your daily struggles into opportunities for growth. Whether you're facing trials in your relationships, career, or personal life, this series will equip you with the practical wisdom and spiritual guidance you need to renew your mind, strengthen your faith, and build a life of purpose and fulfillment. Don't miss out on this life-changing adventure!

Kill The Road Rage

June 18, 2023 • Trent Carpenter

Feel some road rage in life? This Father's Day at C3 Church, we're tackling the topic head-on in our current series, James: 5 Tools To Shape Your Faith. Join us as we explore how to kill the road rage and find peace on the streets, at work, in your home, etc.

Open Mouth...Remove Foot

June 11, 2023 • Trent Carpenter

Ever stuck your foot in your mouth? We've all been there! Tomorrow at C3 Church, we're diving into James 3 and exploring the power of our words. Join us as we learn how to open our mouths wisely and avoid unnecessary foot-in-mouth moments. Join us at 9:30 am or 11 am in-person or catch us live online at 11 am. Let's shape our faith in James: 5 Tools To Shape Your Faith. https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/jamesseries?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=azw227jznrp2ixohlbx-xo0lmcoivdixirqkcgjojldctjhekszaxn6ddiztu_rfq7wtn7xjxzvtc18-sgr7mgfz8evuhp487hsunqrh79bbrnhwxav9h3wfyggtvz0ieod9-apgzaq1m_ggw_ayxui8fkbhn9ics3elfpiulvscps55cxazy_avqq_yuvqppse&__tn__=*nk-r https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/powerofwords?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=azw227jznrp2ixohlbx-xo0lmcoivdixirqkcgjojldctjhekszaxn6ddiztu_rfq7wtn7xjxzvtc18-sgr7mgfz8evuhp487hsunqrh79bbrnhwxav9h3wfyggtvz0ieod9-apgzaq1m_ggw_ayxui8fkbhn9ics3elfpiulvscps55cxazy_avqq_yuvqppse&__tn__=*nk-r