Study Group Group study sessions will be based on the book, "Getting Out and Staying Out" by Demico Boothe. Group study sessions will act as a support system and help participants understand self-worth, stable relationships, the importance of employment and long-term goals of entrepreneurship and self-employment. Mental Health/Substance Abuse Counseling All participants must complete a mental health screening and assessment, as well as at least (1) one-on-one counseling session with our on-site licensed therapist. A personal development strategy will be proposed, which may involve referrals to additional programs and resources, particularly for individuals suffering from substance misuse. Introduction to Entrepreneurship This program component aims to increase your earning potential and provide you with a greater chance of success than the traditional low-wage occupations available to the majority of formerly incarcerated citizens. You will learn the fundamentals of business structure, accounting, marketing, branding, and customer retention.