
Unveiling the Future: "Jerusalem Surrounded"

Part 2

March 9, 2024 • Pr Justin Lawman • Matthew 24

In the sacred words of Matthew 24, we find a profound and timely message regarding the events surrounding Jerusalem. As Christ walked upon the earth, He foretold of a day when Jerusalem would be encompassed with armies, a sign of impending desolation. This warning was not merely for the disciples of that time but for all who would heed His words throughout the ages.

The Lord's prophetic gaze extended beyond the destruction of Jerusalem to the final judgment day when divine justice shall be meted out. The echoes of His caution reverberate through history, reminding us to be vigilant against deception and false messiahs who seek to lead astray the faithful.

Wars, rumours of wars, famines, and earthquakes are foretold as precursors to greater tribulations. Just as in the days before the fall of Jerusalem, turmoil and strife mark the path towards the ultimate fulfilment of God's plan.

Let us heed the timeless wisdom of Christ's words, preparing our hearts and minds for the trials that may come. May we stand firm in the faith, knowing that even amidst chaos and destruction, the light of hope shines brightest for those who trust in the Lord?

Unveiling the Future: "The Great Sign"

March 8, 2024 • Pr Justin Lawman • Matthew 24

In the book of Matthew, chapter 24, we are presented with a profound discourse by Jesus regarding the signs of His second coming and the end of the age. Amidst these teachings, a significant sign is highlighted, pointing to the imminent return of the Son of Man in glory. This great sign, as described by Jesus, involves celestial phenomena: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven." (Matthew 24:29, NKJV) This cosmic event serves as a powerful indicator of the approaching climax of human history and the glorious manifestation of Christ's return.

Unveiling the Future: "Peace in Trouble"

March 9, 2024 • Pr Justin Lawman • Matthew 24

In the sacred pages of Matthew 24, we are granted a profound glimpse into the future, a future where peace and trouble intertwine in a divine dance of prophecy. As we delve into the verses, we are met with a poignant reminder that amidst cries of "Peace and safety," a sudden and unexpected destruction looms on the horizon. The world, engrossed in its pursuits, often neglects the eternal truths, leading to a state of spiritual unpreparedness. The signs of the times are not to be overlooked, for they serve as harbingers of what is to come. The earth itself trembles under the weight of impending calamities, as tempests, earthquakes, and other trials beset humanity. In these tumultuous moments, where can true security be found? Not in the fleeting promises of this world but in anchoring our faith in the unchanging Word of God. As the world hurtles towards its destiny, individuals are faced with a choice – to stand firm on the rock of God's truth or to be swept away by the tides of uncertainty. The events foretold in Matthew 24 serve as a clarion call to vigilance and prayer, urging us to be watchful and ready for the coming of our Lord. Let us heed the words of Luke 21:36, "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass." In this era of both peace and trouble, may we find solace in the promise of Christ's return. Let us not be caught unawares but be steadfast in our faith, knowing that our ultimate security lies in being found faithful when our Lord comes as a thief in the night.

Unveiling the Future: "The False Christ"

March 9, 2024 • Pr Justin Lawman • Matthew 24

In the sacred words of Matthew 24, we are forewarned about the rise of false Christs and false prophets who will attempt to deceive even the elect with great signs and wonders. These deceivers will claim to be the long-awaited Messiah, drawing people away from the true path of righteousness. As we delve into the profound teachings of Matthew 24, we are reminded of the solemn duty to discern the genuine from the counterfeit. The Master's voice echoes through the ages, cautioning us against being led astray by those who seek to distort the truth and lead us away from the light. The passage illuminates the deceptive nature of these false Christs, who may perform miracles and display powers that seem godly. However, their teachings do not align with the sacred Scriptures. They will bless those who worship the beast and its image, inviting divine wrath upon themselves. Our Savior's words serve as a beacon of truth in a world shrouded in darkness. He unequivocally reveals the manner of His second coming, a glorious event that no counterfeit can replicate. His return will be as unmistakable as lightning flashing across the sky, visible to all, heralding His triumphant arrival. In these turbulent times, only those grounded in the Word of God will be shielded from the powerful delusions that seek to ensnare humanity. Diligent students of Scripture, guided by the love of truth, will recognize the deceiver in his masquerade. The testing hour will come, revealing who stands firm on the foundation of divine truth. Let us heed the timeless wisdom of Matthew 24 and remain steadfast in our faith. As we navigate a world fraught with false prophets and deceptive spirits, may we cling unwaveringly to the Word of God, our rock and refuge. For in the radiant light of His truth, we find discernment, protection, and eternal hope.