
The Rich Young Ruler in Us

April 13, 2024 • Dr Sarah Aviles • Mark 10:17

In the sacred scriptures, a poignant account unfolds of a rich young ruler who approached the Messiah seeking eternal life. This young man, earnest and sincere, professed his adherence to the commandments. Yet, he faltered when faced with the profound call to relinquish his earthly treasures and follow the Savior. The Master's gaze penetrated his soul, revealing the one thing that held him back - his attachment to worldly possessions.

The narrative of the rich young ruler resonates deeply with many of us today. How often do we find ourselves clinging to material wealth, status, or possessions, hesitant to surrender all to the divine call? The allure of earthly treasures can cloud our vision, hindering us from embracing the true riches found in a life devoted to God.

As we reflect on this account, let us examine our hearts. Like the rich young ruler, are we allowing the temporal to overshadow the eternal? Do we hold on tightly to that which moth and rust can destroy, neglecting the imperishable treasures of heaven?

Let us heed Christ's words, who beckons us to lay up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust can corrupt. May we be willing to release our grip on earthly riches, knowing that true wealth lies in following the path illuminated by our Savior? Just as the young ruler was offered a chance to walk alongside Christ in service and sacrifice, so too are we called to embrace a life of selflessness and devotion.

Remember, my dear friends, the words of Mark 8:36-37: "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" Let us choose wisely, setting our sights on the eternal treasures that await those who surrender all for the sake of the Kingdom.