
Who Yo Daddy?


March 5, 2023 • Pastor Bartholomew Orr • John 8:31–47

“Who Yo Daddy?” (John 8:31-47 NLT) Maury Povich and his signature TV Paternity test made popular, “You’re NOT the Father!”  And sometimes equally, “You ARE the Father!”  From Excitement to Explosive, from Entertainment to the Eccentric, who would’ve thought a SIMPLE TEST could cause so much commotion!  Well, Maury, enjoy retirement, but you weren’t the first.  Jesus Christ did a Spiritual Paternity Test on His critics and verified to their Shock and Surprise that God was NOT their Father!  (John 8:41) Indeed, their real daddy was the devil!  (John 8:44). I don’t want to be the cause of FAMILY DRAMA today.  Do you look like your Daddy?  Do you favor your Father?  Have you checked lately?  Are you sure?  Who Your Daddy?  Since DNA will reveal your True Identity, put your Life to the Test!

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