
Double Check Your Packing!

Church Matters

June 4, 2023 • Pastor Bartholomew Orr • Galatians 1:6–7

I was shocked! I couldn’t believe it!  Rushing, I caught a plane to Reno late Thursday evening. After a couple hours of sleep, I was back up getting ready to do a workshop when I realize that I had packed two (2) Right Shoes!  I was going to have to wear a suit with Tennis Shoes and this was my first time at this church!  I was shocked!  I couldn’t believe it!  Paul was also SHOCKED in our text!  He had just finished starting these new churches in the Galatian area on his First Missionary Journey. Acts 13:38-39, 42-45. Paul preaching the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ. People were getting saved. The whole city had turned out to hear and many got saved. Obviously, the naysayers had gained a foothold and Paul needed to write this letter to defend the minister he was (an Apostle) and the message (the Gospel) he preached.  How could they be turning away from the truth so quickly? Since Satan’s job is to Twist the Truth, Tarnish our Testimony, and Turn folks from Trusting in Jesus, we need to be SURE in what we have!