
Why is My Soul Empty?

April 25, 2021 • Eric Dubach

Rest is important. It’s even commanded in the Bible. So, how do we find it and how do we take it? Psalm 23: 2 tells us our Good Shepherd is able to lead us to a restful place. He invites us to follow him out of drought and weariness and in to spaces of rest. It’s a constant invitation because our need for rest seems to always lurk under the surface. So, where do you find yourself weary? I’m not asking if you need to sleep since you’ve been up for forty-eight hours. I’m asking if your soul needs refreshment? The primary way God invites us in to rest is through is Son, Jesus. Outside of him, there is no true rest because there, we have no peace with God. Being able to “exhale” and rest requires a relationship with Jesus, our Good Shepherd.

More from Psalm 23