
Dr. Jim Richards

Revelation 21:1-27

August 15, 2016

Dr. Jim Richards preaches out of Revelation 21:1-27 for the annual summer preaching series Monday Night for the Master. Sermon preached on August 15, 2016.

More from MNFTM 2016

David McQueen

August 8, 2016

David McQueen preaches for our annual summer preaching series Monday Night for the Master. This message was preached out of the book of Isaiah and leads us to pray a dangerous prayer: Lord, show me your glory! Message given on August 8th, 2016.

Cody Whitfill

August 1, 2016

Cody Whitfill preaches for the annual Monday Night For The Master preaching series. The preaching text is Acts 27:1-20 and covers the theme of "leadership." Leaders take initiative and as Christians we must take the initiative to bring the Gospel to the people who have never heard it. Jesus was the greatest leader that ever lived and we must let him lead us to the nations.

Vern Charette

July 25, 2016

Vern Charette preaches for the annual Monday Night For The Master preaching series. The preaching text is Romans 1:16-17 and covers the theme of "The Gospel." Christians can be confident in the story of God because it contains the power of God.