
Bible Prayer Fellowship 1 - Jim Logan

What Prayer Is All About

April 20, 1974 • Jim Logan

Dr. Jim Logan is asked to speak on the topic of prayer to the Bible Prayer Fellowship conference in Dallas, Texas. This audio was recorded in the 1980s, but is still encouraging and challenging today. What is prayer all about?

Bitterness: Taking Back Ground - Jim Logan

May 17, 1998 • Jim Logan

One of the most important areas of attack in a Christian's life is the area of unforgiveness and bitterness. A Christian with bitterness will not be living in freedom and that sets you up for extra attacks from the enemy. It is time to "choose" to forgive because of how God has forgiven you.

Freedom From Sexual Bondage - Jim Logan

April 10, 1992 • Jim Logan

Dr. Logan being a Christian counselor for over 40+ years shares how from his years of experience in working with men of all ages in sexual bondage. The enemy loves to control men through porn addictions and lust, and if he can controls that area we will live defeated lives. Our sexual additions will not only destroy you, but your wife, and children, and even pass down generationally. It is time to get free and live in purity and freedom from sexual sins in Christ.

Saying "No" to Pride - Jim Logan

April 15, 1995 • Jim Logan

Pride is the sin that Lucifer the holy angel of God committed that got him removed from heaven. The enemy is now using pride to destroy the lives of Christians around the world. God wants us to live humble and obedient lives. Will you say no to pride and follow Jesus?