
2 God Resists The Proud - Jim Logan

Godly Attitudes

Jim Logan

Pride is a terrible sin that can be in the life of a Christian. James 4:6 God resists the pride, but gives grace to the humble. How is it that pride will destroy my life? Are you a Christian who is yielding your life to God?

1 - Pride is the Problem - Jim Logan

Jim Logan

If a missionary is sharing the gospel, but their attitude is not right with God then more often the people will reject the message. How does having a right attitude affect my witness in my family, community and church?

3 Enduring Suffering - Jim Logan

Jim Logan

Many times we suffer due to sin our just the evil in the world, but God is calling us to suffer for his glory. Have you thought about turning your suffering into worship? Even if you can't leave your bed, you can pray and worship God.

4 Suffering in Marriage - Jim Logan

Jim Logan

Marriage is a place of suffering at times. Husband and wife do not always live Godly lives. Are you willing to go through suffering to heal your spouse? Be careful that a root of bitterness doesn't form in your heart due to your suffering.