
Pain Management

1. Why is There Suffering?

September 3, 2023 • Pastor Tammie Chng

Horrible things happen all the time. We see and read about it on social media and the news. In the midst of all the questions, one stands out: Why? Why did this happen? Is there an answer to the why question?

2. Can Good Come Out of Bad?

September 10, 2023 • Pastor Tammie Chng

Life in a broken world is filled with trials, disappointments, and setbacks, leaving us pondering a timeless question: can anything good emerge from our hardships? The answer is more important than you think because it determines both our perspective and approach towards life’s challenges.

3. Is There Hope Beyond Suffering?

September 17, 2023 • Pastor Tammie Chng

Even if we can endure the worst pain and suffering, deep down we don’t want it to be the way our story ends. All of us yearn for a happy ending, especially during difficult times. Is there a certainty that things can end well? Where do we find that hope?