
05 - Interviewed By The Savior

John 1:35-51

October 25, 2015 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

Although Jesus did not officially call his disciples into service until later in his ministry (Matt 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11), John includes a brief prelude which depicts the Lord’s first interaction with Peter, Andrew, Philip, Nathanael, and a fifth unnamed disciple (John). In the same way that Jesus interacted with these men, wooing and challenging them, so he also interacts with us and bids us to follow him daily in his kingdom.

In this sermon series, Pastor Ronald H. Gann looks at the life of the Savior through the inspired prism of the beloved apostle John.

More from John

01 - Introduction: The Son Of God

September 20, 2015 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

Known as the “Fourth Gospel,” the Book of JOHN recounts the eyewitness testimony of the apostle John concerning the public ministry of Jesus Christ. His retelling of events present a higher Christology than the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) in that he expounds upon Jesus as the incarnation of God—the divine Logos (Word)—through whom all things were made. Further distancing itself from the synoptics, JOHN focuses largely on the miracles of Christ (thereby substantiating Christ's deity) rather than on the Lord’s teaching parables. In this sermon series, Pastor Ronald H. Gann looks at the life of the Savior through the inspired prism of the beloved apostle John.

02 - The Divine Word

September 27, 2015 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

Mark began his gospel with the baptism of Jesus; Matthew and Luke, with the Lord's birth. John, however, outdoes them all by starting at the true beginning—with creation itself. In the Prologue to his gospel, John identifies Jesus Christ as the pre-existent logos, or Word, who is the Creator of all that is. The first five verses in chapter 1 reveal, in profound fashion, the divinity of Jesus Christ, the logos made flesh (v.14). In this sermon series, Pastor Ronald H. Gann looks at the life of the Savior through the inspired prism of the beloved apostle John.

03 - The Lamp & The Light

October 4, 2015 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

God sent John the Baptist as a forerunner to Christ, to be a herald and sign that the Messiah had come. John was not the Light; rather, he was a lamp that reflected the Light, and for which he bore witness. More than just a testimonial, however, John 1:618 reminds us that becoming children of God is the work of God alone and that unbelievers are without excuse. Do you agree? In this sermon series, Pastor Ronald H. Gann looks at the life of the Savior through the inspired prism of the beloved apostle John.