Jesus Christ set the perfect standard for which we, as Christians, are to strive, the perfect model which we are to emulate, and the perfect pattern which we are to follow. But Jesus never had to perfect godliness or pursue perfection in his life. He was born with both. But that was not the case with the apostle Paul. He was a fellow sinner, like us, who travelled the same path toward spiritual perfection, and therefore a proper example for believers to imitate. But shouldn't all Christians be able to say the same thing and serve as examples to others on how to live, especially unbelievers?
Rich in Christology and personal application, Pastor Ronald H. Gann expounds upon Paul’s famous Prison-Epistle verse-by-verse.

14 - The Joy Of Godly Examples
Philippians 3:17-21
October 9, 2017 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann
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