
Hungering For God

Selected Scriptures

November 26, 2023 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

Fasting. We don’t like that word very much because it means “to abstain.” And sinners, especially in America, don’t like that very much. We don’t abstain from anything we enjoy, much less anything we need, such as food! But the very fact that God’s Word contains 92 passages mentioning this spiritual discipline is not something we can just brush off as irrelevant or antiquated. When Christians deliberately die to self and their physical cravings, God’s ears perk up. It moves Him in ways that our tithes and offerings do not. When God sees that we are willing to buffet our bodies in spiritual desperation, it moves Him in ways that our half-hearted prayers might not. As part of our corporate fast this week, BCC is seeking God’s direction, protection, and benedictions as we stand on the precipice of change (with the imminent opening of our new sanctuary).