
04 - Faith That Is Tried

James 1:12-18

July 1, 2012 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

What exactly is the difference between being tested and being tempted? James uses the metaphor of conception and birth to illustrate the pathology of sin as it moves from choice to practice. God, writes James, never tempts us to do evil (Jas. 1:13) but He does indeed test us at times in order to prove our faithfulness and godliness. In other words, while it is true that God places us in situations where we can sin, He never puts us in a position where we can’t help but sin.

In this expositional study on the epistle of JAMES, Pastor Ronald H. Gann examines the theological relationship between faith and works. Rich in personal application, this sermon series promises to challenge new and mature believers alike.

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