
07 - Faith & Mercy

Selected Scriptures

September 15, 2013 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

Faith, or faithfulness, is the gift of God as well as a fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in the life of a believer (cf. Gal. 5:22-23). Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ does so simply because they have been gifted by God to do so. Yet, we also learn that there is in fact a difference between the gift of saving faith and the spiritual gift of practical, day-to-day living faith. Moreover, those with the spiritual gift of mercy are quick to roll up their sleeves, out of sympathy and empathy, to comfort someone in crisis. Do these gift seem especially relevant to you?

In this sermon series, Pastor Ronald H. Gann seeks to depose the mysteries, as well as expose the controversies and explore the purpose, behind each of the twenty-four spiritual gifts.