
05 - The Joy Of Christian Unity (Part 1)

Philippians 1:27-30

July 16, 2017 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

What does authentic Christian unity look like in action? While the Church today may not manifest perfect oneness for the world to see, there is in fact a mystical oneness among Christians of all stripes that only God can see. Insofar as God is concerned, within the universal (invisible) Church of Jesus Christ there is no schism. There is no racism. There is no division. There are no denominations and there are no classifications. All believers stand shoulder-to-shoulder as one; on equal footing in the mystical body of Christ. But is Christian unity the same as corporate uniformity? Is there room for ecclesiastical diversity?

Rich in Christology and personal application, Pastor Ronald H. Gann expounds upon Paul’s famous Prison-Epistle verse-by-verse.

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