
06 - Discernment & Exhortation

Selected Scriptures

September 8, 2013 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

As with all spiritual gifts, the Holy Spirit gives the gift of discernment to build up the Body of Christ and to minister to others. The gift is given to certain believers in the church to enable them to be on guard against the shenanigans of Satan, standing watch like a watchman waits for the dawn (cf. Psa. 130:6). Similarly, the gift of exhortation is synonymous with encouragement. It simply means to come alongside someone with words of comfort, consolation, and counsel to help them be all God wants them to be. It involves motivating, inspiring, and reassuring others in ways that help them to mature in their walk with Christ. Do these gifts describe your spiritual talents?

In this sermon series, Pastor Ronald H. Gann seeks to depose the mysteries, as well as expose the controversies and explore the purpose, behind each of the twenty-four spiritual gifts.