
08 - The Resurrection Of Jesus

Matthew 28:1-10

July 17, 2011 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

Rejecting the resurrection of Jesus Christ is to reject what man already intrinsically knows: namely, there is a God in heaven who is alive and well and that each one of us has a date with destiny where we’re going to stand before Him. The resurrection speaks to a God who is in the business of making Himself known through the miraculous. But even more than that, the resurrection satisfies that quest for eternity we have in our heart. For those whom God loves with an electing love, He grants this eternal hope—a hope that says, “Do not grow weary or be afraid. Because I live, you’re going to live also.” Among many other great truths, that is the beauty of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In this climactic conclusion to his two-year study on the major events in the life of Christ, Pastor Ronald H. Gann examines each day of the Lord’s final week on earth.