
03 - Biblical Manhood - In Church

Selected Scriptures

November 5, 2023 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • 1 Corinthians 16:13

According to the Tearfund report the ratio of women to men in church in America is 65% to 35%. That means that every Sunday there is approximately 28% more women attending church than men. This ought not to be. God’s wants men in His church, in the pulpit, in the pews, and on the elder board; men who have grown up, spiritually speaking, and who have stopped talking, thinking, and reasoning like children. It's high time, says the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 16:13, that men "act like men" and stay on alert for their families, standing firm against error or in the face of hardship, showing strength of character, and doing all that they do with love.

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