
08 - The Folly Of The Galatians

Galatians 3:1-9

November 27, 2011 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

As loyalist Jews, the Judaizers were persistent in their use of Abraham as their example for Law-keeping. They played on their proud heritage and their embellishment of the Patriarchs to impose their beliefs on non-Jews. So Paul, in his rebuttal, uses Abraham as his example to defeat the false teachers at their own game. Deferring to Genesis 12:3; 15:6; 18:18; and 22:18, he reminds his readers that Abraham was declared righteous before God by faith alone.

With no verse left unexamined, Pastor Ronald H. Gann unpacks each of Paul’s answers in this in-depth sermon series on GALATIANS.

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