
09 - Faith That Tames

James 3:1-12

September 9, 2012 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann

In church we use our tongues to praise God. But then, in our fallen flesh, we frequently turn around and speak evil of other people. This ought not to be the case! To James’s way of thinking, insulting a person who is made in God’s image is like insulting God Himself. This duality of our tongues—i.e. contradictory words coming out of the same mouth—is a type of hypocrisy under which all Christians labor and which expose us to God’s judgment. It must be tamed!

In this expositional study on the epistle of JAMES, Pastor Ronald H. Gann examines the theological relationship between faith and works. Rich in personal application, this sermon series promises to challenge new and mature believers alike.

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