

Kings Church: John Samson

Predestined for Adoption

John Samson

Paul's opening words to the Ephesians, while controversial in our time, were truths he wanted the entire Church (children, teens, adults and seniors) to know, and beyond his wishes, there is God, who desires for us to know these things also. This sermon covers the biblical doctrines of election, predestination and adoption.

Redemption Through His Blood

John Samson

What is a person's greatest need? The Bible's answer may surprise you.

To The Praise of His Glory

John Samson

There are some things God wants us to know as the basis for His dealings with us as Christians. Paul's words to the Ephesians here highlight essential truths that can radically impact each of us.

Jesus Above All!

John Samson

Christianity is everything or it is nothing. There is nothing in between. Jesus Christ is, right now, the Lord and King of this Universe, head over all things to the Church. The reality of this is something Paul wishes us to know, for the ramifications of this truth are extreme and far reaching.

Did You Catch That?

John Samson

Paul's prayer for the Ephesians is filled with insights that most of us miss unless we ponder the meaning of each word. Every Christian should bask in the riches of what is revealed here and make it a pattern of prayer for those we know and love.

Zombies Among Us

John Samson

In this passage, the Apostle Paul outlines man's true condition before God and it is far more desperate than we might first imagine. Dead towards God (as a result of the Fall) man needs Divine intervention in the strongest possible way. He needs a miracle. He needs a resurrection!

God Alone

John Samson

Salvation is God’s act! While dead in our sins, only the intervention of a Sovereign, all powerful God can bring us to life. In this, all glory goes to Him, for even the faith that joins us to the perfect Savior, Jesus Christ is God’s gracious gift to His people.

Rescued From Hell

John Samson

It is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who tells us most about hell and its endless torments, speaking more about hell than He did of heaven. Exactly how we are rescued from this place is spelled out with great clarity in this passage.

Division Demolished

John Samson

The Jewish/Gentile division is unlike any other, and what is more, God planned for it as He made a distinction between Israel and every other nation on earth, making them His own special people. Yet in Christ, the erected barriers are not merely discouraged but utterly destroyed. In Christ's cross all racial and social divisions

Look What God Is Doing!

John Samson

After revealing how Christ's death for us has demolished every division between Jew and Gentile, Paul gives us three further analogies to show what this means for the people of God. Both Jewish and Gentile Christians are full citizens in His kingdom, cherished children in His family and are living stones in His Temple.

Providence or Pity Party?

John Samson

Providence takes us to places we would not choose for ourselves. Yet knowing God has us where we are for His purposes allows us to reach out to others and fulfill plans He has established in eternity. A message for every Christian.

Now, Through The Church

John Samson

The Christian Ministry is not a mere career choice but a Divine calling and equipping to herald the truth of the Gospel. Life in the local Church is also a stupendous revelation of the multi-faceted wisdom of God. Here's why...

The Love of God in 4D

John Samson

Paul's prayer for the Ephesians here reveals the central passion of the Apostle for the people - that they may be strengthened by a deep, abiding comprehension of the love of Christ for them. Once convinced of this reality, every Christian will be a forever changed person.

Walk On!

John Samson

Ephesians 4 marks a transition in Paul's letter to the Ephesians as it moves from deep revelation of the truth of the gospel and the believer's standing with God to the practical outworking of these truths in the lives of His people. In light of these truths, this is how we are to walk.

Theological Triage

John Samson

Medical Triage comes into play in the hospital Emergency Room as someone needs to work out who has priority in gaining medical attention. In the same way, some doctrines in the Bible are more important than others, and these form the basis of our unity in Christ, something we are called upon to maintain.