Revelation 22
December 29, 2024 • Chris Roberts • Revelation 22
People Get Ready! Jesus is Coming!
Revelation 22
Welcome to the New Eden! (22:1-6)
Jesus is.....
1. Satisfying!
2. Glorious!
3. Powerful!
4. Life!
5. Faithful!
6. Healer!
7. Holy!
8. Lord!
9. Light!
Application # 1 (vs. 1-6)
A relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior is more than enough for all of your life!
What is keeping you from trusting Him with your life?
- John 10:10
Application # 2 (vs.7)
We have been called to faithfully follow the Lord!
Are you intentionally anticipating His return?
- 2 Peter 3:8-14
Application # 3 (vs. 8-9)
Worshipping God requires faith and fellowship in
1. Praising God
2. Thanking God.
3. Submitting to one another out of fear for Christ.
- Ephesians 5:15-22
12 Spiritual Disciplines
1. Daily Devotional (15 minutes)
2. Daily Obedience / Confession (1 John 1:9)
3. Purity Protection
4. Bible Study*
5. Corporate Worship*
6. Fellowship*
7. Intercession
8. Rest / Solitude
9. Serving*
10. Accountability
11. Fasting
12. Scripture Memory (Psalm 119:11)
* We can help you with 1/3 of these in our weekly gatherings.
Application # 4 (vs.10 - 15)
The Day is approaching.
Every day of every life is being counted and weighed by God.
Blessed are those who live with an eternal perspective!
LIVE for the Glory of God! - 1 Corinthians 3:10-17
Application # 5 (vs. 16 - 17)
The people of God welcome the promises of His grace in their life!
When is the last time you have just sat and received the grace of God?
- 1 Peter 2:9-10
Application # 6 (vs. 18 - 19)
The people of God will heed the warnings of God!
Is your heart governed by "belief" or "unbelief"?
- Hebrews 3:12-14
Application # 7 (vs. 20 - 21)
People Get Ready! Jesus is Coming!
"And all God's People said .... Amen, Come Lord Jesus!
- Revelation 3:19-22