New Heavens, Earth, Jerusalem; River of Life and Tree of Life; The Spirit and Bride Say, "Come"
February 14, 1999 • Dr. Frank Barker, Jr.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb; The Millenium
February 7, 1999 • Dr. Frank Barker, Jr.
The Seven Bowls of Wrath; The Battle of Armageddon; The Fall of Babylon the Great
January 31, 1999 • Dr. Frank Barker, Jr.
The Woman and the Dragon; The Beast and the False Prophet
January 24, 1999 • Dr. Frank Barker, Jr.
The Seven Trumpets of Judgement and the Two Witnesses
January 17, 1999 • Dr. Frank Barker, Jr.
The Throne In Heaven and the Seven Seals
January 10, 1999 • Dr. Frank Barker, Jr.
intro to Different Approaches to Revelation; Christ Among the Lampstands; 7 Letters to 7 Churches
January 3, 1999 • Dr. Frank Barker, Jr.