Briarwood PCA
Briarwood PCA
Meeting the Twelve, One at a Time
Judas, The Betrayer
September 5, 2004 • Bruce Stallings
Simon the Zealot and Judas Thaddeus
August 29, 2004 • Dr. Harry Reeder, III • Matthew 10:1–5
James, The Son of Alpheus
August 8, 2004 • Dr. Harry Reeder, III • Matthew 10:1–15
Matthew: The Turning of a Traitor
August 1, 2004 • Dr. Harry Reeder, III
Thomas: The Patience of Grace Persevering with a Doubting Apostle
July 25, 2004 • Dr. Harry Reeder, III
July 18, 2004 • Bruce Stallings
Philip - The Practical One
July 11, 2004 • Tom Cheely
John, The Presbyter
June 27, 2004 • Dr. Harry Reeder, III
James, What a Leader!
June 20, 2004 • Dr. Harry Reeder, III • Matthew 10
Andrew - The Everyman Apostle
May 30, 2004 • Dr. Harry Reeder, III
Peter the Apostle With a Heart-Shaped Mouth
May 16, 2004 • Dr. Harry Reeder, III • Matthew 10
Let's Get Started With Introductions
May 9, 2004 • Dr. Harry Reeder, III • Matthew 10:1–4