
Frequently Asked Questions

Questions Biblically Answered

13 FAQ - Is it wrong to complain to God?

August 28, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • Psalm 13

We live in a world where hard is common and life is frequently punctuated with sorrow. There are seasons, however, where it seems like the darkness will never lift and our heart will never know joy again. In those times we're tempted to question if God understands, if His promises are true and if He cares at all. What are we to do in such times? Are we allowed to give voice to those fears and complaints? This week David, the shepherd King, will teach us to lament and how to turn complaints into praise.

12 FAQ - Loving Accountability in the Church

August 21, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • Matthew 18:15–17

When was the last time someone asked you about your personal struggle with sin? When was the last time you asked someone else about their personal struggle with sin? If it's been a while, that's a problem. The Scriptures tell us that all sin is common and that it's common to the human condition to struggle with sin. Therefore, we know that we all struggle. It's one of the reasons why we need one another as desperately as we do. This week we will talk about the loving necessity of accountability within the Body of Christ and the importance of a church-wide commitment to lovingly pursue, confront, and restore struggling and erring believers.

11 FAQ - How can Romans 8:28 be true in a world full of pain?

August 14, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • Romans 8:28–29, Psalm 44:6–22

We live in a world of hurt and we'd all be tempted to write out the hardest parts of our story, if we could. But, what if there were a God who promises to redeem those hardships for good in the life of those who trust in Him? That would change everything. That's exactly what our God has done for us. This week we're going to consider the question, "In a world of pain, how does God work everything for good?" It is our hope that through this consideration you'll see a sovereign God faithfully at work redeeming your trauma, disappointments, pain, and heartaches for maximum good.

10 FAQ - Where have all the men gone?

August 7, 2022 • Jeremiah Ayers • Matthew 22:36–40, Romans 11:33–36, 1 Corinthians 13:4–8, Isaiah 43:7

THE SETTLED DISTINCTIONS OF REAL MEN The world's view on what a man is and what manhood should look like is clearly not working.  Society continues to decline, crime continues to skyrocket, families continue to be broken, children continue to be raised in fatherless homes, women continue to be mistreated and the crushing reality is that the church barely looks any different from the world. There is a solution to that problem, but it requires a serious commitment by men. An all-out commitment to put first things first. To get deathly serious about Living for God’s Glory, which means loving Him relentlessly and loving those around us rightly.

09 FAQ - How can we know what our spiritual gift(s) are and how can we use them in service over our

July 31, 2022 • Pastor Andy Shanks • Ephesians 4:11–16

As believers we are commanded and equipped to serve God. This is done in different ways, however one of the primary ways is by using our spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ. As we consider the topic of spiritual gifts, there are so many things we must understand.  What are spiritual gifts? What is my gift(s)?  How do I use my gift(s) most effectively? What do I do as I start to get older and it becomes more difficult to find the energy to use my gift? This morning, we are going to tackle some of these issues as we look at spiritual gifts and how to use them throughout our lifetime.

08 FAQ - Why should we trust anything in the Bible?

July 24, 2022 • Dr. Steve Baley • 2 Peter 1:3–4, 2 Peter 1:19–21

Today we will look at these questions: What is the Bible? How did we get the Bible? How can we claim to have THE Bible? Is the Bible just a re-telling of older stories from other cultures? Why are there verses missing from certain passages? Join us this morning as Dr. Steve Baley explores these questions with us as we continue our summer FAQ series.

07 FAQ - Why do we, as a church, operate a Christian day school?

July 17, 2022 • Dr. Cary Shaw • John 18:33–38

What is Truth? It is a simple question that has confounded men through the ages. At Breesport Baptist Church, part of our answer to this question led to the founding of a Christian day school nearly fifty years ago. And what about you? Be careful how you answer this question since your response carries eternal consequences.

06 FAQ - Is Cremation Biblically Permissible?

July 10, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • 1 Corinthians 6:18–20, Philippians 1:20

Death is one of the subjects that most people find uncomfortable and would rather avoid discussing even though it is common to the human experience. This week we will walk through the very personal issue concerning what we are to do after death has occurred. Does the Bible prescribe burial or is cremation permissible? Does the body that God has given us have value after death or only in life? What can we do in the present knowing that, at some point in the future, we will all cross that bridge into eternity? The apostle Paul speaks of wanting to glorify God whether by life or by death (Philippians 1:20). I pray that is our desire as well.

05 FAQ - Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation

July 3, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • John 10:22–30

Have you ever known a professing Christian who seemingly walked away from the faith and a life of following Christ? Most of us would say, yes. Was that person someone you loved? That dynamic adds weight and urgency to the question, what does their departure mean? Are they still saved? Were they ever saved? Can they lose their salvation? This week we will tackle the question, "Can a Christian lose their salvation if they walk away from the Lord?" The answer to that question has more to do with Jesus than the person and in that lies our hope for their return.

05 FAQ - Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation

July 3, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • John 10:22–30

Have you ever known a professing Christian who seemingly walked away from the faith and a life of following Christ? Most of us would say, yes. Was that person someone you loved? That dynamic adds weight and urgency to the question, what does their departure mean? Are they still saved? Were they ever saved? Can they lose their salvation? This week we will tackle the question, "Can a Christian lose their salvation if they walk away from the Lord?" The answer to that question has more to do with Jesus than the person and in that lies our hope for their return.

04 FAQ Learning to Embrace the Mystery

June 26, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • Ephesians 1:3–14, Romans 8:29–30, 2 Peter 1:1–2, Romans 9:22–24, Romans 3:10–18

The answer to this week's question will take us into the deep waters of theology and our great salvation. The question is this, is the doctrine of double-predestination Biblical? To answer that question we've got to explore the character of God, the nature of salvation, and the nature of sin. We'll be weaving portions of the book of Romans together with the book of Ephesians and even after as thorough a Biblical development of the topic as we can give, there will still be an element of mystery to it. The question becomes, how will you respond to that reality?

03 FAQ How To Keep Young Adults From Walking Away From Church

June 19, 2022 • Pastor Andy Shanks • Philippians 1:3–9

HOW DO WE PREVENT YOUNG ADULTS FROM WALKING AWAY FROM THE CHURCH? Today we celebrate our seniors as they graduate. And yet as we celebrate, we also recognize a sad reality that 70% of young adults walk away from the church.  According to that statistic, 4 out of the 6 seniors that we are celebrating this morning will not be attending church in a few years. Why are they leaving and what can we as the church do to help break this trend?  Philippians 1 gives us 3 responsibilities we have, and 3 responsibilities that our graduating seniors have to prevent themselves from becoming part of this statistic.

02 FAQ -Thinking About the Shifting Cultural Issues of Our Day

June 12, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • Genesis 1, Ephesians 5:15–18

We live in an age of unprecedented technological and cultural change. It can be alarming to see the number of traditional institutions, ideas, and values that are being attacked and redefined. The question becomes, how should we respond to these things in a way that honors God, that is thoroughly Biblical, and that is missionally effective? Thankfully, the New Testament was written assuming that Christians would be the minority voice in their culture and that the Gospel would always have to compete with other worldviews. Therefore, we are not left without help.

01 FAQ - Why Holiness Is So Important to the Christian Life

June 5, 2022 • Pastor Doug Forman • Hebrews 12:14, 1 John 3:9, Ephesians 4:22–24, Philippians 2:12–13

This is the first in a new series that will answer questions asked by those who attend Breesport Baptist. The first question that we will seek to answer is, why is Holiness important to the Christian life? Holiness is a subject that's often talked about but we fail to acknowledge how hard it is to actually live out. The fact is, holiness is as difficult for us as learning to walk is for any child. It feels foreign and unfamiliar to us, because it is. Yet, it's an essential part of the Christian life.